The Arthur School House System
The Delores Taylor Arthur School For Young Men prides itself on creating unique opportunities for its students. The Arthur School’s House System is one such program that enriches the student experience through a reimagination of the typical high school “homeroom” period. In most school settings, students corral in a classroom for the first 15-20 minutes of the day and idle until their first academic course begins. The Arthur School House System effectively takes these precious minutes and fills them with guided programming that allow for students to begin the process of thought, priming them for the rest of the school day. Whatsmore, these House Meetings are led by an elected student leader. Topics can range from life skills, to study skills, to guided meditations or exercises. Presenting students with a concept to consider as they move through their day creates community and a common thread throughout the student body.
The House System provides for vertical school leadership and community. Each House will be multi-level, encompassing students of different ages and experience levels. This design fosters mentorship and creates bonds within the student body between students of all ages.
Houses serve as intramural sport clubs for students. As 6 Houses bare one Sanguine pale (to represent Arthur School Crimson,) and 6 houses bare one Azure pale (to represent Arthur School Navy,) team intramural sports and competition can be divided along these lines as well as within one’s division.
Houses create a sense of belonging and comradery. Each House shares the goal of being the Top House, thus bonding students with a motivation and sense of identity through the various symbols and customs of each house. Student leaders and house members are situated to depend on and support one another.
Each of The Arthur School’s Houses are named after prominent figures of excellence born of the last century. Each namesake, either is or was, a titan of their field. These individuals are remembered and revered by the world for being masters of language, song, sport, politics, law, science, thought and all other endeavors that the human mind can master. Each House is represented by a Shield created in the style of Heraldic Shields of the High Middle Ages. As of 2022, there are 6 Active Houses these are highlighted in white. This system is designed to accommodate twelve High School Level Houses and three 8th Grade Houses. The houses and pales, which are the colors (or fur) each house bears, are as follows:
The James Baldwin House
Representing Leadership in Language
Sanguine and Ermine
The Ella Fitzgerald House
Representing Leadership in Music
Sanguine and Yellow-Ochre
The Dr. Gardner Taylor House
Representing Leadership in Theology
Sanguine and Vert
The Caesar Chavez House
Representing Leadership in Social Justice Sanguine and Orange
The Thurgood Marshall House Representing Leadership in Law
Sanguine and Purpure
The Dr. Thomas Freeman House Representing Leadership in Debate
Sanguine and Counter Ermine
The Bill Russell House
Representing Leadership in Athletics
Azure and Vert
The J. Ernest Wilkins House
Representing Leadership in the Sciences
Azure and Potent
The Dr. Tommie Lindsey Jr. House Representing Leadership in Education
Azure and Celestial Azure
The Sidney Portier House
Representing Leadership in the Dramatic Arts
Azure and Yellow-Ochre
The Maya Angelou House
Representing Leadership in Writing
Azure and Carnation
The Fred Rogers House
Representing Leadership in Brotherly Love
Azure and Ermine
8th Grade Houses
The Arthur School also offers The House Experience to it's 8th Grade Airmen-in-training. This program is aim aimed in supplementing their academic curriculum with guidance to prepare them for High School. These Houses compete amongst each other in a miniature version of what they will experience once they matriculate into their Freshman year.
The Houses and Pales are as follows:
The James Earl Carter House
Representing Leadership in Global Humanitarianism
Solid Azure
The Muhammad Ali House
Representing Leadership in Activism
Solid Sanguine
The Katherine Johnson House
Representing Leadership in Mathematics
Solid Silver