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Hello Airmen Family! We hope everyone had a successful "fall back" now that Daylight Saving Time has ended! We have a lot of news to update you on. Here's what you need to know: AIRMEN FAMILY COMMITTEE - On Wednesday, November 9th we are hosting an Airmen Family Committee meeting for the Parents and Caretakers of Arthur Airmen. From 6 PM- 7:30 in the Arthur School Dining Room, we are requesting your attendance to gain valuable information to ensure your son's success here at The Arthur School. If you would like to become more involved with The Arthur School this is your event! If you'd like to learn more information about how to help your son succeed this year and beyond, this is your event! This evening will also be an opportunity for you to get your questions answered by leadership and hear first hand from other Airmen Parents about their experiences. Please make every effort to attend. Parking will be available in the Wisteria Lot on the other side of Gentilly Blvd. Please use the covered parking lot entrance.

OPEN HOUSE- On November 17th, we will be hosting our Fall Open House to welcome the community and prospective families to our Gentilly Blvd. campus. Please, if you are interested in volunteering your time, be sure to attend the meeting on Nov 9th. We will need parent volunteers to help bring materials, sit at posts throughout the night, and help set up/breakdown. If you know you will not able to attend the meeting on the 9th but would still like to volunteer, please reply to this email.

UNIFORMS - As of 11/1/22, all uniform sizes are available in Arthur School Shirts, Belts, Pants, and Ties. Please ensure your son is to-standard each day he arrives. As of now, students are not to wear their polo shirts unless there is a direct communication from The Arthur School-be it through Class Dojo, email, or written announcement. The uniform standards have been attached to this email for your convenience. Students who arrive out of uniform or missing uniform items will be subject to disciplinary action. For more details on discipline, please email our Dean of Student Life, Mr. Bedell at

COVID TESTING REGISTRATION - COVID testing will take place every Tuesday morning while classes are in session. If you would like for your son to participate, you must register using the following link: If you participated in the program last year, you still need to register this year. These weekly tests are provided by the State of Louisiana and are free of charge. No insurance information is collected. COVID INCENTIVES - Like last year, The Louisiana Department of Health is offering monetary incentives for those who participate.This year, for every 10 tests a participant takes, they will receive no less than $100 at the end of the calendar year. This will repeat from January to May. Incentive cards will be delivered by mail. For more information, please see the Safer, Smarter Schools attachment.

CLASS DOJO - If you or your son have not signed-up (and signed-in) on Class Dojo, please do so! This platform is our primary method of recording the conduct of our Airmen. Dojo is also a platform we use to share announcements and photos of our Airmen throughout their school experience. Students who recieve multiple deductions via Dojo (an accumulation of demerits up to -6 or a single -5 demerit for exceptionally poor conduct) must serve after school detention. Transportation will not be provided. ###


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© 2021 The Delores Taylor Arthur School for Young Men

The Arthur School does not discriminate against students on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, disability, sexual orientation, family situation, religion, or political affiliation.

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Free, healthy meals are being served by organizations in our community this summer. No application or registration needed, just stop by and enjoy. To find meal sites near you: Text FOOD to 304-304. For Spanish, text COMIDA to 304-304. Or go to and enter your address.

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