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Updated: Feb 11, 2022

Hello All,

I hope everyone's week has been going smoothly. Here's what you need to know:

PROGRESS REPORTS: As we prepare to end Week 6 of this Quarter's instruction, you should be on the lookout for your Airman's current grades. The majority of our teachers will be sending out progress reports via email or print out. Algebra I and English I will be sending home a grade sheet to be signed by parents and returned back. Additionally, World Geography and Music will follow suit. If your son's teachers have sent you emails, the information they've provided is most accurate to how they will distribute grades. As always, you can expect the official academic report shortly after the Quarter ends. Q3 Ends March 11.

HALF DAY FEB 25TH: In anticipation of extreme traffic due to the celebration of our city's most exciting time of year, we will be following our half day schedule on the last Friday of this month. After which, Mardi Gras Break will begin. Dismissal is at 12:15 PM. Classes resume March 7th.

COVID-19: Another successful week of testing! Of the 22 students and 12 faculty members tested, 0 positive results for COVID-19 were detected.

MISC: As a general note, you should know that we are seeing real progress from the class of 2025. The young men you have put in our care have been making strides in the right direction since we've returned to in-person learning. That effort does not go unnoticed. As a school community, we are putting programs in place to reward our Airmen for the positive behavior we see. In my next communication, I will be able to outline these programs in more detail.

For now, please do your best to support their learning and continued growth during their time at home. As we begin to see the end of this year on the horizon, just know that we are setting our sights high for what's to come. More rigor, more love, and even stronger relationships; that is our recipe for producing intelligent young men purpose and passion. Our faculty looks forward to continuing that work everyday. We thank you, our parents and caretakers, for allowing us to impact the lives of your children. We won't let you down.

Best! ✈️


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