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Updated: Aug 9, 2022

We've completed our first week back. Woo-hoo! Thank you so much for doing your part to help make the start of our school year a success. Here's what you need to know:

UNIFORM GRACE PERIOD - As promised, we will not be penalizing students for inauthentic Arthur School Uniform items until August 15th. In addition, any student whose first day was after August 2nd will have at least 2 weeks (from their first day) to acquire these items. We will not penalize students or their families for not having the means, time, or ability to get these items without a conversation and a plan put in place. If your family needs additional support or an extension of this grace period please contact our Dean of Student Life, Mr. Darrin Bedell.

For those students who are utilizing this grace period, please remember that the following items are acceptable, temporary substitutions:

  • A white long or short sleeve button down shirt

  • A solid navy blue polo shirt

  • Grey slacks/chinos

  • All Black tennis shoes, or Black Dress Shoes

Shirts or polos of other colors, or with graphic design elements will not be allowed.

Opened toe shoes, such as slides, crocs, flip flops, or slippers will not be allowed.

PE UNIFORMS - Our PE Coach, Mr. Ross will allow students to dress-out for PE in workout clothing of their choice until the end of the month. This includes nylon or general activewear shorts, a t-shirt, and sneakers of their choice. These items must allow students to be active. By September, it will be expected that ALL students acquire and wear their Arthur School PE Uniform during their scheduled PE class. Please reach out to Mr. Ross if you need additional support or have specific questions about this issue.

BACK-TO-SCHOOL NIGHT - We are so excited to be welcoming our families (new and returning!) to Back-To-School Night on Wednesday, August 10th from 6 PM to 8 PM. This event will take place in The Arthur School Dining Room and will serve as our Family Orientation. Here you will be able to meet and mingle with your son's teachers, hear from our Leadership Team, and learn everything you need to know to be an active supporter in your son's education. We would love to see each and every one of you there. Your son does not need to be in attendance at this event. However, if you prefer to bring him with you, The Arthur School Gym will be open for students while the event takes place.

SUPPLIES - Thank you for your patience with school supplies lists. They are attached. Items such as loose leaf paper and single-subject spiral notebooks may be provided to students, however, feel free to support your young man by ensuring he has these items. Please do not feel pressure to complete these lists over the weekend if it is not feasible for you to do so. Our teaching staff will begin looking for students to have these items by the start of next week (August 15th at the earliest.)

WATER BOTTLES - Please send your son to school with a clear, plastic water bottle to be filled at designated times throughout the school day. Due to our ongoing COVID-19 protocols, personal water containers are the best way for students to stay hydrated during the day. These bottles should be no larger than 32 oz. Students who do not have water bottles will not be able to carry around cups or open containers. These bottles must ONLY contain water. Sodas, teas, or other liquids are not allowed in the classroom.

THE EMILY HATTIER SIXKILLER CONVOCATION & MATRICULATION CEREMONY - We are nearly one week away from our annual Convocation & Matriculation Ceremony. We ask that each and every Arthur School Student be in attendance as they will be honored by dignitaries from around the State, Orleans Parish School Board Leaders, and Arthur School Supporters from around the Country. For our new families, this will be your best introduction to our mission and vision for the education of young people. Please make every effort to be in attendance. We ask that all of our young men wear a dress shirt and tie (of their choosing, fabric ties only, please) slacks, dress shoes, and a suit jacket or blazer. If your son does not have a blazer, dress shirt, or shoes, please still make every effort to be in attendance. We ask that you do your best with what you have to make sure your son looks sharp. This event will take place Sunday, August 14th at 3 P.M. in The New Orleans Baptist Seminary's Leavell Chapel.


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