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Introducing the Airmen Logo

Updated: Dec 14, 2020

We are excited to introduce our mascot, the Airmen. Yes, it was inspired by the Tuskegee Airmen whose excellence, grit, and determination we will look to nurture in our students. The natural temptation would be to draw an airman but the challenge is determining what the Arthur Airman looks like. It is clear to us that he looks like any and every student that wants to take the challenge of bringing his intelligence and talents to our school. We express much appreciation to our friend Juan Lumas who suggested the mascot back in November 2016 and to Kelly Claverie who did the design work. You will see this more in the coming weeks but share the news that the Arthur Airmen will be taking flight in August 2021.

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© 2021 The Delores Taylor Arthur School for Young Men

The Arthur School does not discriminate against students on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, disability, sexual orientation, family situation, religion, or political affiliation.

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Free, healthy meals are being served by organizations in our community this summer. No application or registration needed, just stop by and enjoy. To find meal sites near you: Text FOOD to 304-304. For Spanish, text COMIDA to 304-304. Or go to and enter your address.

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