I hope everyone had a restful weekend! We are so glad to finally be back in the swing of things! With this semester officially off the tarmac, here is what you need to know for this week:
VACCINE DEADLINE: The headline this week is that today will be the final day for unexempt, unvaccinated students to continue to fly with us. In December, we notified you of the NOLA-Public Schools mandate that all students must be Fully Vaccinated by February 1, 2022. Due to this decree, we must follow suit. Last Friday (1/28) the remaining students who have yet to return shot records or their exemption form were sent home with one and a letter explaining what all why they recieved it. Please, if you know your son is not vaccinated or have no intention of getting him vaccinated, you must fill out an exemption form and you must sign him up for weekly testing with our state-sponsored team. Filling out this form will allow your son to continue to come to school in-person. If you have yet to fill this out, please send it with your son tomorrow morning or else he will be turned away. You may sign him up for weekly testing here. Students who do not turn in the proper forms will be mandated to virtual learning for the remainder of the school year. To our parents of vaccinated students, once again THANK YOU for making our school community a safer place.
Testing Results: Of the 20 Students and 12 Faculty Members tested on 1/27/22
0 Positive Results were returned. :)
UNIFORMS - We have mentioned time and again the importance of our students to be in full uniform. This includes belts, ties, and shoes! We will be inspecting uniforms with a hawk eye going forward to ensure that our Airmen are in compliance. You cannot fly without the proper attire! Students who are found to not be in compliance will receive write ups! These go on their record and may negatively affect their legacy at The Arthur School. If you need assistance to purchase uniform items please contact us or if you need to know where to stock up, visit our distributor here.
REGULAR SCHEDULE FEB 21 - It has come to our attention that our school calendar notes February 21st (President's Day) as a school Holiday. This is incorrect; class will be in session that Monday. Please plan accordingly.
WEBSITE UPDATES: As a school, we have been making strides to provide you with as much information as we can to ensure that you and your son are supported during your time with us. This includes creating a hub for all the information you need to know. We have updated our website with more information for you to grasp our values, our practices, and our expectations. We will continue to add more over the next few weeks. You can visit the new Parent Info Page to view our Student/Family Handbook as well as policies that affect your son. We will be adding bus routes, teacher bios, and more in the coming days. You will also be able to reference our Airmen Communications there as well!
I thought a fun way to end this communication would be to let you in on what's been going on here on campus! As you may know, our students are grouped in Houses for all four years of their Arthur School Experience. These Houses meet every morning for 20 minutes, much like a typical homeroom period. As apart of our promise to provide your young men with a unique and personalized education, we have created a House System that allows students to learn from one another about topics that benefit their social/emotional learning. Each day, students meet and discuss a topic. These topics can range from life skills to study skills, big ideas about the world, or current events. In any case, focusing these first precious minutes of the day our primes students for thought for their academic classes and gets them aligned with what we expect from them each morning. You can learn more about our House System on our website. Click here!
That's all I have for you for now, till next time!
(And Happy Mardi Gras Season :)
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